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Activity 4 Topic 4


Shortening distances


1 h

Expected learning outcomes

By the end of this activity, students will be able to:


  • Understand the impact of social classes 

  • Use empathy towards people with different backgrounds 

  • Recognise and share their feelings 


Annex I. List of statements


Before starting the activity, it is important to give the following instructions:

  1. Participants form a circle and the facilitator stays at the centre 

  2. During the activity, depending on the meaning of the statements, a step forward or backward is made.

  3. Participants are warned that their experiences can be highly emotional.

The facilitator will read the statements (you may start with Annex I. List of statements) aloud and participants move accordingly. 

The facilitator invites the participants to look around and pay attention to who is farthest and closest to him/her and how these differences affect the lives of the students. The activity continues as each forms a couple with the one closest to him/her. 


Through active listening, everyone analyses with their partner their initial feelings. The participants form a circle and continue the discussion. The activity ends with everyone saying a word summarizing his/her feelings.

Relevant topics for discussion

  • How did you feel in your position in the group?

  • Do you think this distance reflect your interpersonal relations in the class?

  •  What can you do to shorten these distances?

Original source

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Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Privacy Policy.

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