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Instrument 4 Phase 1


Direct Observation Checklist


The following closed questionnaire is a tool to help teachers and consists of criteria directly observable in a school context. The main objective of the tool is to longitudinally follow the integration process of the migrant young people and understand how they grow and develop social skills. For all points, teachers can write relevant comments.


Hence, the best use of this instrument is diachronic. For example, it means you should use it every 2 months to give you an evolutionary picture of the students.

Each behaviour signaled below corresponds to the following Skills: Social, Emotional, Relational, Emotional Mood, Social and Relational, Cognitive and Cultural


The idea is to complete this scale to create a student profile in relation to their emotional, relational, emotional mood, social and relational as well as cognitive and cultural skills to design a plan in order to promote  greater self-awareness and self-confidence

Daily Observation Checklist

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