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Instrument 1 Phase 2


Mapping out Social Relationships


This instrument contains several tools:

  • Tool 1: Sociogram used by students

  • Tool 2: Analyzing the sociogram: example of how the data sheet is used

  • Tool 3: Analyzing the Sociogram: an empty sheet to insert your data from the results of the Sociogram

Sociogram used by students

It’s possible to map out the social relationships of the entire class with a sociogram. In the ‘tools’ section, you can find a template to construct a sociogram for two classes.

Students can use the next template to map their relationships (See also

To fill in the template  follow the steps:


The teacher may use the template below to create their own map. You may also use different colours to display the denominations on the class map. But teachers must use this instrument with close attention so the differences within the class never are understood as individual fragilities.

Analyzing the Sociogram:  example of the analysis of the sociogram

Here you can find an example of the datasheet with the answers based on the sociogram template for two classes. Analyse it carefully to understand what the scores mean. Download 1 is a real example of two classes. Download 2 explains what the scores mean and what and where you need to insert data. The letters in yellow refer to the cells in the example.

Example of the analysis of the Sociogram

Explanation of the example

Analyzing the Sociogram: empty sheet to insert your data from the Sociogram:

The empty datasheet (template) is the same as the example but without data. You can use the template to analyse the relationships of your own class. When you have any doubts, compare it with the example above.

Analysis of the sociogram template

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