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Instrument 1 Phase 1


Personal Meeting

The first meeting with the student is of great importance. The following elements for the establishment of a confident relationship must be considered


To Provide a calm environment:


  • Teacher should speak calmly and slowly, informing the student that he/she may interrupt you at any moment if he/she has a doubt.

  • Teacher should explain the objectives of the first meeting, including how this will continue in the course of protocol implementation.

  • Teacher should inform the student if he or she wants to record the questions. For each question there is no right or wrong answer, only each student's individual experience.

  • You should stress that the collected data is confidential and serves only to design an efficient pedagogical and inclusive pathway for him/her.

  • Teacher should ask permission to start the questionnaire.

What is the use of the personal interview?

Use it!

An interview in a non-formal context may lead to more conclusive assessment. With this view in mind, we present a general interview template which may easily be converted into a quest.

Pay attention and adapt

The example is only a questionnaire guide to be applied and, therefore, possible adaptations are necessary, particularly in terms of the language used with a younger audience, especially small children

The draft interview/quest aims to better understand personal and family history and to identify a general evaluation of the primary needs (whether social, emotional, family, affective, etc) of the interviewee, sometime after their reception.

Personal Interview Guidelines


The young student is requested to provide some personal and family information so that a socio-familiar characterization can be used for an individual and detailed assessment. Again, your obligation to professional secrecy about the information given is stressed

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