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Activity 1 Topic 5


Discussing common values & basic concepts


1h35 min. – the duration of each step may vary depending on your class needs

Expected learning outcomes

By the end of this activity, students will be able to:


  • Understand the meaning of culture, multiculturalism, citizenship and more specifically European citizenship 

  • Develop a sense of common belonging 

  • Respect different views and cultural backgrounds


Role-play, critical thinking

Required resources

Blackboard/ flipchart

Sheets of paper, pens


Annex I.  Activity Step-by-step


The aim of this activity is to create a relaxing atmosphere, boosting students’ confidence and motivation to participate, stimulating exchange of ideas and reflection on basic concepts such as citizenship. 

Note for teacher: it is important to act as a mediator/facilitator in order to make your students feel comfortable in intervening and making mistakes. 


Step 1. 10 min

Brainstorming session: “What is a good citizen?”

Group discussion: 

  • What are the main similarities/differences in the answers?

  • How can we define a good citizen? 

  • Are rules important? What would happen without them at home or school?


Step 2. 10 min

Ask students to draw their image of a European citizen.

Group discussion:

  • Why do you think of a European citizen in this way?

  • What are the typical elements of a European citizen?

  • What is your role in the community when you think of your relations with family/friends/neighbourhood?


Step 3.  15 min

In pairs: How is EU present in your daily life?

Group discussion: 

  • What does it imply to be part of the EU?

  • What is its impact on your life (including on your school, country, neighbourhood)? 

  • What are your rights and duties as EU citizen?

  • How can you contribute to your community?


Step 4. 15 minutes

In pairs: What is a multicultural society?

Group discussion: 

  • Do you have friends from different countries, religious or ethnic groups?

  • Do you use other languages beyond your mother tongue?

  • How do you communicate with people speaking another language?


Step 5. 15 minutes 

Divide the class in two groups and ask them to create a story starting by:

1st Group: there was a boy named Marco, he…

2nd Group: there was a boy named Ibrahim, he…

Once both groups are ready and have presented their story to the whole group, discuss: 

  • Are you interested in other cultures?

  • How can you learn more about other cultures and backgrounds?


Step 6. 30 minutes

Role play: divide students in reporters and citizens.

Reporters: walk among the citizens and ask them some quick questions about various topics. At the end they make a brief summary of the answers collected. 

Questions asked by reporters may include:

  • Can you tell me something about the EU?

  • What do you think of…[a people]?

  • Do you speak foreign language(s)? Would you like to learn a new language?

  • Which countries are part of the EU? 

  • Where would you like to go in EU? Why?

  • Do you have friends from different cultural backgrounds? 

  • What is culture/value/community?

Original source

GEM IN: Guide on methodological approach. Link:

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Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Privacy Policy.

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