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Activity 2 Topic 3


Are you aware of your cultural filters?



  • Step 1: 10 minutes

  • Step 2: 30 minutes

  • Step 3: 20 minute

Expected learning outcomes

By the end of this activity, students will be able to:


  • Identify cultural filters influencing their perceptions and interpretations 

  • Show improved understanding of others 

  • Recognise other perspectives 


Intercultural learning, critical thinking, self-reflection

Required resources

Annex I. Identity Checklist


Annex I. List of rights and key-words


Step 1. Cultural glasses 

Our past experiences may shape our perceptions and opinions of the world. We usually tend to judge and generalise, as if we were constantly wearing ‘cultural glasses’ through which we see the world. 

However, because our personal experiences are different, people’s ‘cultural glasses’ are not the same. In order to understand other people’s cultural glasses, respect their viewpoints and their perception of the world, you first need to be aware of yourself, your identity and cultural background. 


Think about how your personal experiences may influence your perceptions of the world.


Step 2. Identity checklist

Have a look at Annex I. Identity Checklist (Inspired by DICE Identity Wheel) and take some time to complete it. Which of these categories do you generally refer to when describing yourself?

As your students may lack appropriate linguistic competences, be ready to support them by explaining the importance that each category may have for each person’s identity and add some examples to each of them. 


Step 3. Reflection

Based on the identity checklist, think about: 

  • Which elements of your identity and experience shape your ‘cultural glasses’?

  • Which identities do you generally take for granted and not think about often?

  • Do you feel you need to work more on specific identities to strengthen your awareness of them?

  • Would you like to add any other aspect to the “Identity Checklist” in order to describe you better? 


Discuss these points together as a group. 

Important: Be careful if some students seem uncomfortable with the activity as it implies sharing personal information.

Relevant topics for discussion

Think about critical incidents you have experienced, namely those moments making you feel uncomfortable or in which you did not understand what was happening and why, when confronted with different cultural habits.

Original source

Inspired by DICE - Diversity Inclusion Citizenship Empowerment is an Erasmus+ project, aimed to provide professionals who approach newcomers with a series of methods and practices to understand and promote cultural diversity. 

The activity was retrieved from DICE Training Manual:


The activity originally comes from the Papyrus project which partners are The Manchester Metropolitan University, TUAS – Turku University of Applied Sciences Ltd., Kopin – Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali, WEBIN – Western Balkans Institute and CESIE. It is available at: activities/

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Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Privacy Policy.

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